Are you Prepared for an Emergency?

As a former firefighter, I was proud to join my colleague, Senator Ochoa Bogh, to introduce SCR 75, designating September 2023 as California Emergency Preparedness Month.
We are all aware of our state’s vulnerabilities to natural and man-made disasters, and being prepared for the possibility of an emergency can make all the difference.
This becomes especially evident during incidents that hit close to home, such as the Fairview Fire in 2022 and most recently, the Bonny Fire. Extreme weather conditions show us just how quickly incidents can evolve, underscoring the importance of staying vigilant and prepared. 
Here in the 32nd District, we are fortunate to have dedicated emergency service personnel who respond to the scene of disasters and emergencies quickly and efficiently.
However, as individuals, we need to do our part to be as prepared as possible so that if and when a disaster strikes, we know what to do and where to go. This emergency preparedness can mean the difference between life and death because every minute counts!
I urge you to prepare to respond to an emergency now. Have a plan ahead of time and save time during an event.
Here are some things to consider: 

  • What disaster is likely to strike in your area? 
    • You may need to have different plans for different emergencies.
  • Do you know what route to take in an emergency evacuation? 
    • What if your primary route is blocked?
  • Do you have copies of important documents ready to be grabbed? 
    • This can include legal records, identification and birth certificates, and insurance paperwork.
  • Where can your pets go? 
    • Most emergency evacuation shelters do not accept domestic animals.
  • How will you communicate with your family in an emergency situation? 
    • Do you have an out-of-area contact that everyone in your family knows to check in with in case of impacted phone/internet access?
  • Does your emergency kit need updating? 
    • Make sure to include food, water, clothing, medication, flashlights, batteries, personal toiletries, and other necessary supplies to last for three days.

Being prepared can save your and your loved ones’ lives.
For more information, resources, and helpful tips, please click HERE
To sign up for state wide emergency alerts, please visit

For local alerts and information, please visit your county’s website:
Orange County
Riverside County
San Bernardino County
San Diego County

Thank you and stay safe.