SB 1 Military Retirement and Survivors Benefits Tax Exemption January 1, 2025 SB-1 seeks to exclude military retirement and Survivors Benefits Plans (SBP) income from state income tax.
SB 56 Disabled Veteran Disability Pay Exclusion January 15, 2025 SB-56 removes a disabled Veteran’s disability pay from the personal income calculation when determining their qualification for the Low Income Exclusion of the Disabled Veterans’ Property Tax Exemption.
SB 60 California Veteran’s Extended Education January 15, 2025 SB-60 provides important clarification to California Veterans, National Guard, and their families who use education benefits at California’s public universities by ensuring extended education courses that fulfill an undergraduate degree program requirement in California public universities are covered by the California Veteran Fee Waiver and the California Military Department GI Bill.
SB-67 Cal Grant for Active Military January 15, 2025 SB-67 will ensure equitable access to California’s higher education for California’s military families by specifying that their dependents are eligible for Cal Grant awards even if they graduate from an out-of-state high school.
SB 70 CalVet Small Business Cost Threshold January 15, 2025 SB 70 will increase the maximum contract value under the Small Business Procurement and Contract Act from $250,000 to $350,000 while tying future adjustments to the California Consumer Price Index (CPI).
SB 74 Critical Infrastructure Gap Fund January 15, 2025 SB 74 will establish the Infrastructure Gap Fund, which upon appropriation by the Legislature, provides grants of up to 20 percent of necessary remaining funding to cities and local agencies for critically delayed and vital infrastructure projects— including but not limited to roads, schools, and broadband— throughout California.
SB 76 DMV Hold Harmless Protections January 15, 2025 SB 76 will modify California’s hold harmless protections for private automobile sales, establishing protections for a new owner of a used vehicle from any past due registration fees and penalties carried by the previous owner.
SB 78 State Highway Deadliest Roads January 15, 2025 SB 78 will task the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) with publishing a study that identifies the top 15 locations in the state highway system with the highest rate of vehicle collisions, projects that could improve safety at the identified sites, and any common factors contributing to the delay in the delivery of these projects on or before January 1, 2027.
SB 87 Volunteer Firefighters Sales Tax Exemption January 23, 2025 SB 87 will enshrine a sales tax exemption for all-volunteer fire departments (AVFDs) income from fundraising activities, which is due to sunset on January 1, 2026.
SB 90 Local Fire Prevention Grant January 23, 2025 SB 90 will utilize Prop 4 (The Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024) funding to support prepositioned mobile rigid water storage and mobile rigid dip tanks, in order to support firefighting air assets.
SB 231 Establishment of CEQA Thresholds January 29, 2025 SB 231 would require the Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation to create a new appendix in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines to establish best practices for lead agencies to follow when determining if a proposed project will have a significant effect on the environment.
SB 232 CEQA Modeling Lock-in Study January 29, 2025 SB 232 will study the effects of a lock-in period for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) regulations at issuance of Notice of Preparation (NOP) to promote project efficiency while preserving environmental diligence.
SB 233 RHNA Allocations January 29, 2025 SB 233 would require the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to meet with councils of government (COGs) regarding regional housing need methodology at least 38 months prior to the scheduled revision of the housing element.
SB 255 Deed Title Notification February 10, 2025 SB 255 will require counties to establish a record notification program for notifying parties involved in a transfer of ownership of a property, such as recordation of a deed, quitclaim deed, or deed of trust.
SB 288 Chapter 8 Process and 5th Amendment Compliance February 10, 2025 SB 288 brings California and its counties into compliance with the ruling by the Supreme Court in Tyler v. Hennepin County.
SB 911 Survivor Benefits Tax Exemption February 1, 2024 SB-911 seeks to make the first $20k of payments from Survivor Benefit Plans tax free within California.
SB 916 California Veteran Fee Waiver February 1, 2024 SB-916 extends the California Veteran Fee Waiver to also include extended education courses that fulfill an undergrad degree program in California public universities.
SB 920 Purple Star School Program February 1, 2024 SB-920 codifies the Purple Star School Program currently being administered by the Department of Education within California.
SB-932 DMV Hold Harmless Protections February 1, 2024 SB-932 will modify California’s hold harmless protections for private automobile sales, establishing protections for a new owner of a used vehicle from any past due registration fees and penalties carried by the previous owner.
SB-936 CalTrans Consideration of Fatalities February 1, 2024 SB-936 will develop a CEQA exemption for road safety improvements for the top 15 locations on the state highway system with the highest rate of vehicle collisions according to data collected by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
SB 947 Transportation Project Design Changes February 1, 2024 SB-947 ensures that late stage substantial project design changes on state highway projects, where local agencies often bear a significant financial contribution, are not made without justification.
SB 955 Infrastructure Gap Funding February 1, 2024 The goal of SB-955 is to help cities and counties complete vital infrastructure projects by creating a new grant that the legislature will fund year to year.
SB 964 Chapter 8 Housing Compliance with Supreme Court February 1, 2024 SB-964 brings California and its counties into compliance with the ruling by the Supreme Court in Tyler v. Hennepin County.
SB-968 RHNA Roll Over February 1, 2024 SB-968 proposes that if a local government exceeds their numbers in Regional Housing Needs Allocations (RHNA) category for the current cycle, they can then roll over their surplus units towards their next RHNA cycle number target in that RHNA category.
SB 978 Machine Readable Data February 1, 2024 SB-978 will enhance how California history is recorded and how everyday Californians access critical information that decides how their tax dollars are spent.
SB 986 Bond Measure Interest Disclosure February 1, 2024 SB 986 requires the ballot label for state and local bond measures to include an estimate of the amount of interest due on a bond.
SB 1034 State of Emergency Public Record Extension February 1, 2024 SB 1034 provides government agencies an extension from 10 days to 24 days to fulfill a public record request during a state of emergency, when the emergency prevents gathering for health and safety reasons.
SB 1044 Nonprofit Bingo Overhead February 1, 2024 SB-1044 will adjust the flat $3,000 per month overhead cap for charitable bingo games to instead be tied to the California Consumer Price Index (CPI).
SB 1052 – Mobilehome Residency Law Program February 1, 2024 SB 1052 implements recommendations from the State Auditor’s report 2023-112, which will improve the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in its oversight of the Residency Law Protection Program.
SB-1086 Do Not Tax the Tax February 1, 2024 SB-1086 will amend the Revenue and Taxation Code to exclude the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax from the calculation of sales tax.
SB 19: Fentanyl Task Force March 17, 2023 Establishes the Anti-Fentanyl Abuse Task Force to collect and organize data on the nature and extent of fentanyl abuse in California and evaluate best practices in combatting fentanyl abuse.
SB 67: Overdose Maps Data Sharing March 21, 2023 Will enroll all of California’s departments and agencies who are on the frontlines of the opioid epidemic into the Federal free universal information sharing program known as “ODMAP” in order to effectively track and address live patterns of overdoses.
SB 73: Veterans Hiring Preference March 21, 2023 Clarifies that a Veterans hiring preference is not considered a prohibited discriminatory hiring practice under California law.
SB 82: Veterans Property Tax Exemption Documentation Standards March 21, 2023 Requires that documentation standards be made uniform across all counties in California for verifying eligibility for disabled Veteran property tax exemptions.
SB 86: Crime Victims’ Resources March 21, 2023 Requires the state to maintain a websites that enumerates the rights of victims and directs them to statewide and local resources.
SB 221: Domestic Violence Housing Tax Credit March 21, 2023 Provides a tax credit to landlords who agree to lease their property at submarket rates to individuals who are being assisted by groups helping domestic violence survivors to obtain housing.
SB 230: Small Business Employer Deduction for HSA Contributions March 21, 2023 Provides a state income tax deduction to the employer equal to the amount that the employer contributes to an employee Health Savings Account. This deduction would only be applicable to employers with fewer than 50 employees.
SB 243: Gun Safety Device Tax Exemption March 21, 2023 Creates a point-of-sale sales tax exemption for gun safety devices in order to encourage and reward responsible gun ownership.
SB 259: Legislative Reports Transparency March 21, 2023 Current law states an agency report that is required by law to be submitted to members of legislature must also be posted on the agency’s website. This bill would clarify that any report (regardless of whether the report’s submission is required by law) that is submitted to the legislature must also be publicly posted on the submitting agency’s website.
SB 276: Legislative Employee Workplace Equality March 21, 2023 Explicitly clarifies that certain labor code provisions regarding overtime requirements which already apply to the private sector, shall also apply to employees of the legislature.
SB 300: PERS Financial Impact Analysis Requirements March 21, 2023 Requires a bill to have an analysis on financial impact and report from LAO on reported outcome of the bill proposed to adjust the State Retirement investment accounts, before consideration of a vote.
SB 342: Financial Literacy Education March 21, 2023 Clarifies that previously agreed upon financial literacy content must be included by the Instructional Quality Commission in the next revision of the state’s social-science/history framework. Current law only requires that this content be considered for inclusion.
SB 367: Forest Cleanup March 21, 2023 Would expand the Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Grant Program to also include, upon additional funding, public lands.
SB 453: Good Cause for Court Deadline Extensions March 21, 2023 Explicitly clarifies guidelines for what constitutes “good cause” to extend court deadlines relating to the right to a fair and speedy trial. These guidelines would allow extensions for illness, being subject to a quarantine mandate, and insufficient court room and/or court staff availability.
SB 468: Trespassing Extension March 21, 2023 Changes the term for which a request for a peace officer's assistance in dealing with a trespass may be made from 12 months to three years.